
Here are a selection of the many ways in which Giftware Connect can benefit your business. To properly identify the main benefits for your business we suggest a simple on-site consultation or demonstration. You can book this now by clicking here.


Save time, save money
Many tasks in retail are repetitive. Giftware Connect takes away much of the tedious repetitive work such as goods-in, shelf replenishment, re-ordering standard lines, discounts, returns, cashing up, customer contacts and even through managing to-do lists for staff, no more sticky yellow notes!


Expand through new channels
Giftware Connect supports mail order and telephone ordering. It also offers kiosks to extend your shop space through a simple touch screen terminals as well as internet and eBay.


Develop your business through eCommerce
Ecommerce is here to stay. Selling online is just the beginning. For many consumers the purchasing process has changed as research online is a fundamental step. Giftware Connect allows you to tie in to these new processes by having an online presence that connects with your retail one.

Customers can browse online and see that products are in store ready to touch and try out before making the final purchase. Or customers can leave the shop to make a final decision and buy online.


Are you doing any marketing?
If not you are missing out on  wonderful revenue generating opportunities. Giftware Connect will become your marketing engine to drive customer loyalty and increase customer lifetime spend.

Do you know your shops average transaction? Employees average transaction size? Do you track average customer lifetime spend. By tracking these simple indicators you can incentivise staff to increase them. Create targets, motivate staff.
  Improving purchasing decisions
Most buying problems simply come from bad decisions. Bad decisions come from having inadequate information and/or time.  Giftware Connect gives you up to the minute information on how much profit you are making from products and suppliers to make informed accurate decisions quickly. 

Save money on your stock holding
The most important asset in your business is often stock. How confident are you that you have optimum stock, i.e.
 - Do you feel you are overstocked?
 - Do you feel you are led by  
 - Are you buying quantities they
    stipulate when they stipulate?
Giftware Connect not only gives you reports on product and supplier performance, it also gives you an interactive replenishment screen to expedite the process whilst you maintain full control! 

  Shift old stock on eBay
With 45% of the internet eCommerce market, eBay is a significant channel in it's own right. The format is ideal for selling old non-moving stock. Whilst many retailers want to do this, the time it takes to do it is restrictive. Now you can drop one or one hundred products onto eBay in just a click. 

Customer engagement
Great service keeps customers coming back. Do you know what your customers like? What information do you capture about them. How do you use what you know to increase their loyalty and spend? Giftware Connect allows you to track what your customers are spending and the products they buy. You can run loyalty and incentive promotions based on this.


Price right for better profit
Flexibility is essential for competitive and compelling pricing. Decisions need to be made quickly and accurately.

Do you know the price elasticity of your store is, i.e. how much you can increase and decrease pricing without it impacting number of products sold? How quickly can you create special offers, special event pricing?

Giftware Connect has up to the minute accurate information to help you make these key business decisions and changing pricing from one to one thousand products is a snip!



Searching for more general information in retail technology? Access our white papers today.

eCommerce integrated into your normal shop activities.

Data overload?
Please ask for a free  demo  or consultation by one of our team to find out how this can benefit your business.


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