White Papers
These white papers are packed with advice and information on how the latest technology can help your business.

These white papers are free. Just click the appropriate link below, we just ask you to send us your company name in the email.

1. Importance of information

How good information can make a difference by improving the quality of your decision making. You cannot run a business without good information. It is at the heart of everything you do because every business decision is based on the information available to you at the time.

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2. Seven reasons why retailers use technology

David Mackley reveals why the largest retailers use technology and whether the same benefits can be realised by independents.

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3. How to buy an IT system for a retail business

Information OVERLOAD... selecting the right EPOS system for your shop can be confusing, baffling and just plain difficult. David Mackley shares some thoughts on how to make the right decision first time and outlines some of the common pitfalls.

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4. WWWinning ways

For retailers venturing into the world wide web the transition carries new cost and risk. However a growing number feel the desired pay-back of additional customers is worth it. But how do you improve the chances of making this new business venture a success.

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5. The future technology for gift retailers

Technology change rarely moves in a steady stream, it moves in waves. History is packed with examples when the all important drivers of need/availability/affordability/awareness align at a point in time and bang, a technology takes off! From satellite television, the mobile telephone to PC’s and the Internet. Are we coming to a point of alignment with retail technology for independents?

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Reproduced with kind permission of Kline Davies Ltd.

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